October 23, 2011

by Elexa Rose
Greens and burnt oranges
Are counting the gasps
Of air we take
In this cold, bitter hour.
Cracks from all the trees
And broken branches
Crisp and crunch
Beneath our steps.
Your pace is slowing
Looking out to sea
Though we’re far, so far
From the comfort of the harbour.
The crackle of the radio
Buzzes out.
Your eyes are deft and slight
In the diminishing light.
The end of the road
Is in sight, finally.
We’re all concentrating on it,
Even these dying trees.
Even these dying trees
Can feel the tension
Can feel my thoughts
And you look at me like fresh meat.

Four by Four
October 22, 2011

A poem that I wrote to mess around with structure, semantic ephasis, syntax and also expectations. Just kind of playing around with some ideas going on my head, things that I’ve seen in some comtemporary poetry recently.

The stars, they grow.
The smile with a renewed
My headlights are guiding
me home.
Towards you.
Gliding, the wind trys to
keep up.
Rushing past the window.
My heart tell me, assures me,
that you’re thinking,
waiting up for me.
Relish the darkness
of these country lanes
I know so well.
Round these bends
I didn’t expect there to be
an approaching four by four.

Yet another wanna-be expressionist poet.
October 22, 2011

No one likes posting their work for all the world to see and critisize, but I guess I should just man up and just shove some stuff on here. I wrote this about six months ago, over a period of about ten weeks, to-ing and fro-ing with ideas. I wouldn’t say I’m quite happy with it yet. But I haven’t touched it for ages so here goes.

She Breathes
The rhythm of sad footsteps below
scattered on floorboards.
Moaning forests murdered
for this moment.
The walls exhale, fall down
and inch or two.
Staring through windows
that stare back at me.
The chimney is waiting for fire-
waiting to fill this room with a dusty heat.
I shiver, letting the latch clink
to a close, almost silently.
I let myself wonder, am I still breathing?

So to all the random people that stumble over this, be critical, be horrible, a penny for your thoughts etc. Feedback, is feedback, it’s always appreciated.